Natalie – Director

Employed to manage the operational running of IRONSIDE OSHC and is responsible for policy development, all appointments, developing budgets and managing expenditure, and overseeing all aspects of administration, including the daily running of programs.  Employed to manage the daily running of IRONSIDE OSHC and to oversee the educational programming and practice at the service through mentoring the service Educational Leader. The Director is responsible to the executive members of the IRONSIDE OSHC P&C executive.

Lucy – Coordinator / Human Resources

Employed to assist the Director in the daily running of the IRONSIDE OSHC educational program and practice. The Coordinator – Staffing Leader is also responsible for ensuring the implementation of the following aspects of the National Quality Standards which relate to education and recruitment of educators.

  • QA3 Physical environment (element: Sustainability)
  • QA4 Staffing (elements: Educator Skill Development)
  • QA5 Relationships with children
  • QA6 Community engagement
  • QA7 Governance and Leadership

Rachel – Assistant Coordinator / Educational Leader/Program Planning


Employed to assist the Director in the daily running of the IRONSIDE OSHC educational program and practice. This Assistant Coordinator – Educational Leader is also responsible for ensuring the implementation of the following aspects of the National Quality Standards which relate to educational programs and daily activities: 

  • QA1 Educational Program and Practice
  • QA3 Physical environment
  • QA5 Relationships with children
  • QA6 Community Engagement

Janaya – Assistant Coordinator/Health and Safety/Risk Management

Employed to assist the Coordinator or Assistant Coordinator on duty with managing staff ratios, supervision of staff and organisation of daily tasks. The supervisor reports to the Assistant Coordinator, Coordinator and the Director. Ensures that all students dietary restrictions, medications or risks are managed appropriately along with ensuring that all risks and their associated factors have contingency plans in place.

Rochelle – Administrator

Employed to handle administration – including but not limited to bookings, enrolments, wait listing, and parent contact and enquiries.

Tiarna- Supervisor/ ISS /Menu planning

Employed on a part time basis by Ironside OSHC. The supervisor is to assist the Coordinator and Assistant Coordinator on duty with managing staff ratios, supervision of staff and organisation of daily tasks. The supervisor reports to the Assistant Coordinators and the Coordinator. They are also responsible for the menu and running the ISS program.

Eloise, Lillian, Asanka, Georgia – Responsible People

Employed to work directly with children. Responsible People report to the Supervisors (when applicable), Assistant Coordinators and are responsible to the Coordinator/Educational leader. Responsible people are on open and close shifts and in charge of designated areas of play each morning and afternoon.